ONA Marine, for the Cardno Maritime Team took the lead on the re-design and refurbishment of terminal tug moorings in North Queensland. The cope included investigation, installation scoping, specification and implementation of best practice mooring standards.
The moorings had previously been installed and inspected by various marine contractors yet had a history of ongoing failures. ONA Marine were able to guide the evaluation and investigation into the failures, redesign the systems and oversee installation according to best practice mooring standards. Following on from this, ONA Marine were able to implement long term management procedures and plans for the future integrity of the system which would provide assurance throughout the entire life cycle of the mooring assets providing real value to the mooring owner and satisfying regulatory authorities. As the moorings are used by terminal third parties, ONA Marine also developed and implemented operational procedures that protected the mooring assets and reduced the likelihood of overloading or operator damage.
For more in formation on how we can get your moorings back on track please contact us.