Introducing our new 2-part screw anchor (ONA-142-001-009). The two-part screw anchor is installed using a hydraulic drive unit mounted on an A-frame of Hiab style crane. A squared driving head is fitted as an adapter for driving the first part and then slotted over the second including padeye. The passive earth plate is driven into..Read Article >
HDPE Module Load Testing
ONA Marine recently completed workshop load testing of specialised plastic mooring modules for a client interested in confirming FEA type mooring fitting design capacities. The load testing was completed on a specialised jig enabling a variety of load application scenarios and fixities to be tested. Local and global loading scenarios were investigated under exacting conditions..Read Article >
Powerneema Mooring Strops
ONA Marine recently completed a series of new mooring strops that will enable quick in water or decked change out. In accordance with our revised synthetic splicing and termination policy, the strops were pre-loaded to ensure consistent in use alignment and design stability. Pre loading also ensures that the strop splices are less affected by..Read Article >
Completion of FAD Moorings
ONA Marine recently completed design and construction of shallow water FAD mooring for Recfishwest. The 5 mooring were designed for various water depths of Port Hedland and included a series of mid depth buoys to reduce shock loads in the mooring system and to facilitate trouble free mooring riser interaction over a range of water..Read Article >
AtoN Special Purpose Buoy Reinstatement
ONA Marine recently visited a yard in Queensland on behalf of a maritime client who had a series of AtoN special purpose buoys experiencing design problems with the implementing synthetic stretchers, resulting in unexpected failures. ONA Marine has a wealth of experience in the building and development of stretcher solutions across marine and AtoN mooring..Read Article >
Floating AtoN Mooring Scope Award
ONA Marine have just been awarded a design and supply contract for mooring components for a major port in Western Australia. The scope draws on ONA Marine expertise in the field of design, supply and maintenance of floating beacons (AtoN) and associated mooring systems across Australia. Importantly in this instance is the need to provide..Read Article >
SC220 Clump Update
ONA Marine are pleased to announce the molds are complete for our new SC220 clump weight. The clump weight is designed with a recessed padeye that allows stacking of the clumps for transportation and impact protection around the top of the unit. We have had numerous requests for such mooring clumps and in this instance..Read Article >
Marine Hydrophone Brackets
ONA Marine recently completed an interesting job designing and building hydrophone brackets for our standard screw anchors. At the request of a research client with an urgent need to deploy acoustic receivers on ONA Marine screw anchors in the Pilbara, we were able to design and build simple robust brackets for two types of InnovaSea..Read Article >
Screw Anchors for Pilbarra
ONA Marine recently sold a batch of single helix screw anchors for hand installation in the tidal areas of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The screw anchors were designed for muddy bottoms with a single helix on each. The screw anchors were drilled to enable installation of brackets post embedment. ONA provided a suitable..Read Article >
Deep Sea Mooring Integrity
ONA Marine were recently awarded and completed a full subsea mooring integrity review scope for a valued marine operator after the location experienced mooring failures due to a lack of maintenance and adequate integrity activities. The client chose ONA due to our extensive experience in the design, maintenance and management of deep-sea moorings and in..Read Article >
30Te Shackle Load Cells
ONA Marine have load cells designed into 10Te Crosby shackles for mooring installation activities. These load cells are particularly useful when continuous monitoring is required with digital readouts available on mobile phones. The units are factory calibrated and read loads of 0 to 30Te. They are particularly useful for calibrating anchor handler main and tugger..Read Article >
Nauru Mooring Integrity Scope
ONA Marine recently completed a full subsea mooring integrity and inspection scope for the Port of Nauru, Phosphate loading facility. The detailed technical scope was commissioned by sponsors and was undertaken for a large consulting firm in Brisbane. Nauru is a tiny phosphate rock island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean south of the..Read Article >
Another Lord Howe Island Mooring
A tourist operator on Lord Hose Island recently called on ONA Marine expertise in the mooring field to design of a new mooring at Lord Howe Island. This work was on the back of previous work by ONA Marine supporting NSW Marine Rescue with a more complicated mooring scope. The new mooring to suit a..Read Article >
Refurbished Train Wheels – Arrived Today
ONA Marine has just received a new shipment of refurbished 400kg train wheels suitable for use as mooring anchors on inshore moorings. The wheels are constructed of high tensile hardened steel ensuring a long subsea life and minimal corrosion. Contact us for a quote or for a more comprehensive mooring solution.
Mooring Asset Management Webinar – Inspection Management
We are running a small on-line (Teams) webinar covering Managing Mooring Inspections for buoyed mooring asset owners and operators. At ONA (Marine and Consultants) we have been actively involved in mooring design, procurement, installation, failure investigation and mooring integrity management for 15 years in the region. The workshop will be run by Mike Priestly the..Read Article >
Lord Howe Island – Sea Rescue Mooring
ONA Consultants recently completed a mooring consulting scope with NSW Sea Rescue. The client called on ONA expertise in the mooring field to support considerations for their new rescue capability, the former NSW Police 16m patrol vessel “Fearless” to be situated at the island to support sea rescue endeavors in the Pacific Ocean. The lagoon..Read Article >
Enhanced Dead Weight Anchor
Enhanced Dead Weight Anchor Clump weights (Dead Weight Anchors) used in mooring design are known to be large, heavy by design and often requiring prohibitively large vessels with cranes and A-frame to enable installation. Often on the plus side they also work Omni directionally and failure is gradual through changes of position due to overloading..Read Article >
Dynamic Analysis as a Spar Buoy Design Tool
At ONA Marine our spar buoy designs are underpinned by the most robust in-house dynamic analysis. The analysis is integral with the design process and ensures our designs remain conservative, yet meet our client’s specific technical requirements which may include consideration of hull accelerations, dynamic line affects and green water slamming. In the case of..Read Article >
Completion of Mooring Installation
ONA Marine, for the Cardno Maritime Team took the lead on the re-design and refurbishment of terminal tug moorings in North Queensland. The cope included investigation, installation scoping, specification and implementation of best practice mooring standards. The moorings had previously been installed and inspected by various marine contractors yet had a history of ongoing failures…Read Article >
ONA Marine completes extensive diver inspection campaign.
ONA were recently contracted to scope and oversee diving operations including measuring and establishing the integrity of mooring chain components in North Queensland. The moorings had suffered a history of problems commencing since installation using second hand equipment. Using best practice mooring integrity and inspection approaches ONA were able to assist our client baseline and..Read Article >
Marine Equipment Guidelines (MEG4)
The Marine Equipment Guidelines (MEG4) by OCIMF now includes revised terms and definitions which are pertinent to the way the guidelines are interpreted. These terms are quoted as presented on the OCIMF website ( and are shown below: Ship Design Minimum Breaking Load – “The minimum breaking load of new, dry mooring lines for which..Read Article >
20Te Steel Clump Weight Basket
ONA Marine have designed and supported fabrication of 4 x 20Te Clump Weight Baskets. These baskets are designed to take either 4x5Te or 2 x 10Te concrete clump weight opening up flexibility and lowering installation costs. The clump weights will be used to moor spar navigation buoys in approximately 20m of water. The steel baskets..Read Article >
16.5m Spar Navigation Buoys for Marine Terminal
ONA were recently awarded design and fabrication support for 4 x 16.5m steel navigation buoys for use at an offshore marine terminal in Western Australia. The buoys will be installed by an installation contractor and moored in depths of 20-21m using clump weights. Each buoy is fitted with a flashing solar Sealite type lights and..Read Article >